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Snapchat Shoppable AR Lenses can promote brands
Date: 28.06.2018

Snapchat Shoppable AR Lenses can promote brands

Snapchat has launched a new Shoppable AR Lens, which allow advertisers to add a ‘Buy Now’, ‘Watch’, or ‘Install Now’ button.


The Shoppable AR (augmented reality) Lenses can be categorized into website, video, install. Most of the brands have chosen the button ‘Buy Now’, and users will then eventually be diverted to the product page.


Such lenses increase interactivity between the companies and the users, bring more fun to the users and this is another improvement in marketing innovation industry. There are 4 brands joining the Shoppable ads. Taking Adidas as example, they have created a Website Shoppable AR Lens of its Deerupt Running Shoes. Once the user clicks buy now, the product page is launched.


With such technology, opportunities are given to brands to do further promotion. It may be less likely for customers to purchase the products via Snapchat, yet, when users are using the lenses to send snaps to others, the new product or the brand will then be further spread. Brand promotion is then achieved. Also, since most of the Snapchat users are aged around 13-35 years old, brands can promote suitable items which aimed at their target audience, to further maximize the benefit brought by the lens.